Why AmForward.com
In short:
- USA address in sales-tax-free Oregon
- No setup or registration fee
- No monthly fee inbox account plan
- Low-cost subscription inbox account plans
- Free pictures of received item shipping labels for all inbox account types
- Free storage for up to 90 days
- Choice of shipping carriers
- Shipment consolidation
In detail:
Why our services make shopping at USA online retailers easy for international shoppers
Many online shoppers around the world have realized that shopping at American online stores can lead to significant savings. Frequently, goods at USA shopping sites are significantly less expensive because of the large volume of the USA consumer market, the fierce competition that exists among retailers, and the low US dollar exchange rates. In addition, many products sold in the USA are not available at all in other countries. But many shopping sites and auction sellers in the USA do not provide international shipping for the following reasons:
- International shipping compared to domestic shipping brings with it additional complexities like customs declarations, invoices, varying import and export restrictions, greater risk of loss and damage of goods in shipment. For those reasons offering international shipping is not cost effective for many shopping sites.
- Shipping goods internationally increases the risk of fraud. For that reason many discount shopping sites that work on small profit margin concentrate on the less risky domestic market and avoid the risk of fraudulent international purchases. This is especially true of sites selling high value merchandise such as electronics, computers, optical equipment and any articles that are sought after by criminal element involved in online fraud.
- Licensing and regional distribution agreements between manufacturers and sellers limit the geographic area within which sellers are allowed to ship brand name products. Manufacturers of certain brands tightly control their distribution and restrict the sale of their goods or control pricing within specific geographic areas. This is typical for products such as brand name clothing and footwear. Such restrictive distribution practices often result in less competition, fewer choices for the consumer, and higher prices outside the US market.
Even US online shopping sites that provide international shipping, frequently offer only one option for international shipping with high rates artificially padded to offset the cost of the labor-intensive international shipping.
Additionally, many shopping sites entice shoppers by offering free shipping on purchases that reach certain total price, and many times they run special offers of free shipping regardless of the purchase price. Unfortunately the free shipping is almost always limited to the most economical method of domestic shipping. Therefore international shoppers, who get their purchases shipped directly, have no way to take advantage of this benefit.
All the problems international shoppers face while shopping at a USA based shopping sites can be eliminated with a USA-address inbox from AmForward.com.
Here at AmForward.com international shipping in high volume is what we do all day long. Our processing and shipping are highly optimized for shipping to any destination internationally and domestically.
We do not limit ourselves and our customers to one or two types of shipping methods only;
we provide our customers with numerous choices from multiple shipping carriers and it is up to the customer to select the right mix of speed, security and cost for each particular shipment.
For example, we will not force you to ship a 0.25 lb $10 item using a $30 express shipping method, when all you need is a simple $5 inexpensive package sent through USPS mail.
On the other hand, when you need it fast and safely the express methods are always available and you have a choice of the carrier that suits you best.
We consolidate your shipments
What if you decide to shop at multiple shopping sites in the USA? If they all ship internationally, you could have your purchases shipped directly to your home address. But expect to pay a hefty international shipping charge for each separate purchase, because it costs much more to ship multiple small packages than a single larger package. If you look at the rate sheets of any shipping carrier you will most likely find that shipping a 2-lb package is not simply double of the cost of a 1-lb package but much less than that.
Here is an example using real numbers:
To ship a 1-lb package by USPS Priority Mail Express International from the USA to Hong Kong costs $50.50.
Therefore, to ship 4 separate 1-lb packages would cost 4 x $50.50 = $202.00.
On the other hand, to ship one 4-lb package using the same shipping method costs only $64.75.
The shipping cost of a single consolidated 4-lb package is $137.25 less than the cost of shipping 4 individual 1-lb packages resulting
in savings of 68% compared to multiple non-consolidated shipments.
And the inefficiencies in the shipping process (and potential savings) don't end here: many times retailers ship the goods in unnecessarily large shipping boxes that increase the size and weight of the shipments and therefore the shipping costs. This may not be a significant factor for a domestic shipment, but it certainly can make a significant difference in the cost of an international shipment.
And here is where AmForward.com services really shine. Not only do we re-send your package or mail, but we can also consolidate several
small packages and pieces of mail into a single larger shipment that eliminates the inefficiencies of small packages and saves you a lot of
money in the process. In addition, you as the customer have an option to request removal of the original shipping boxes or even the product boxes and
save even more.
For example, if you order two pairs of shoes, the shipment will most likely get packed as two original product shoeboxes
in a larger shipping box. During consolidation at AmForward.com with your other purchases, you can request to have the outer shipping box and even the shoeboxes discarded and packed in a smaller lighter shipping box saving on shipping by having the overall size and weight of the consolidated shipment reduced.
With us you never pay a sales tax
And finally, here comes a great reason to use AmForward.com as your USA address and forwarding service:
AmForward.com, and therefore the USA address you get with the service, is located in Oregon, USA. Oregon is one of only 4 US states (out of the 48 contiguous US states) that have no sales tax.
What does that mean to you as a shopper?
It means that when you shop online you only pay exactly the price you see listed for each product (plus shipping if applicable),
but there is never any sales tax added to the final amount of your purchase, regardless of what US state the shopping site or auction is based in.
This may seem like a small detail at first, but let's look at an example of how sales tax can cost you significant amount of money:
Let's say that you want to purchase several pieces of clothing from RalphLauren.com with a total price tag of $1200, and RalphLauren.com is running a special offer of free domestic shipping.
You place the order online and you have the order shipped to a friend who lives in Los Angeles, California. Even though RalphLauren.com is based in New York, the company has operations in California as well, and therefore the company must collect the California sales tax based on the location
of the shipping address. In the case of the Los Angeles delivery address you end up paying 9.75% California sales tax on top of the $1200 price for the clothes
for a total price of $1317.
If you are not a California resident, you can easily and legally avoid paying this state sales tax by having your order delivered to your AmForward.com sales-tax-free Oregon address. In this case you would only pay the price of the product: $1200.
The result: you save $117 on a single purchase just by having it shipped to an Oregon address, and even after paying for your forwarding cost
from your Oregon address to your destination address, you would most likely still end up paying less than what it would cost you to get your purchase
delivered just to the California address.
So think again: the location of your USA-address inbox matters, and that is why AmForward.com is here for you in a sales-tax-free Oregon.
Register for free and try our services today.